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Dish Bar
Dish Bar
Dish Bar
Dish Bar
Dish Bar
Dish Bar
Dish Bar
Dish Bar

Dish Bar

  • Flower (1 large bar)
  • Small bars (3 pack)
  • Large circle
  • Honey bee oval

Effortlessly clean your dishes with our Castile Dish Bar. Made with saponified coconut and jojoba oil, this simple and natural soap bar effectively cuts through grease and grime. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a eco-friendly, gentle way to clean your dishes. Try it today and experience the benefits of a sustainable and effective dish soap.

*If you pre-order soap it may take 4-6 weeks before we can ship it. This is because soap needs to cure and we can not rush this process. It can sometimes ship faster if we have a batch already curing, but plan on a long wait.


  • Sodium Cocoate
  • Sodium Jojobate